Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Chinese, suits & dogs - not to be confused with Chinese dogs in suits

So today I got up early and helped my mother clean out the guest room and rearrange the basement. This done I now have a pile of boxes in my bedroom that need to be sorted through. Things need to be thrown away, taken away, and sold if possible. I'm going to try as hard as I can to de-clutter and condense my life. I have too many things.

Hannah came over this afternoon and we ventured out to spend some time together. I'm really glad to be back home and to see her again. We started off going to Starbucks and having a tasty coffee beverage, driving then up I-71 northbound towards Cleveland. We veered off to the west and found our way out to Crocker Park, one of those fake village-esque shopping monstrosities.

There we browsed Sephora where Hannah had a $50 gift card, and then J Crew - where I got some atrociously yellow flip flops for $5 - and Structure - those of you who remember, this is what Express Men used to be called, and frankly I liked it better then. It's nice because since coming back and having lost a lot of weight un Europe I have a wardrobe of clothes that were essentially new - some with tags on them still! - that now fit.

After basking in the opulent consumerism for a bit longer we headed to a Chinese restaurant for dinner. It's so horrible, but simultaneously delightful. I think now I've covered my cravings that arose in Europe (Mexican food, Chinese food, sushi, and Starbucks). After our meal we then headed back east to downtown Cleveland, and stopped at The Old Angle tavern in Ohio City - one of the rockinest places in the Cleveland area - to meet up with some CouchSurfers. We had a drink and a good time chatting with the others who showed up. Only stayed for about an hour, and then I had to leave to pick up my suit in Middleburg Heights.

I have an interview tomorrow morning, and had to have my suit taken in. My tailor is great - even though he could have taken in a bit more here and there - and had it finished in one day. The interview is tomorrow morning at 11, and I'll be going in to discuss a branch manager position with a company in the Sandusky area. I'm not so keen on moving out that way, but it seems like a good job, and would help my resume. In that case I'd be more than willing to move out there. Not to mention it would put me closer to Lindsay & Danielle, as well as land me smack in the center of the Lake Erie wine region.

After suiting up and paying Ilie - my tailor - we headed back to Medina, dropped the suit off, and hung out for a bit before going to Denny's to swig back a couple cups of coffee. We got a paper and sat drinking our Joe and leafing through the Classifieds. I looked at apartments, dogs, jobs, and cars. Dogs you cry? Yes, dogs. Long term I think I'd like to get a pup of some sort. Beagle most likely. It seems there something called a Puggle or Buggle or Bugle or Peagle or something... I guess it's a cross between a Beagle and a Pug. I need to find pictures of this. So anyhow, if I'm in something that isn't an apartment by next spring and have some money set aside to provide for training, I think I may get a dog. It's name will be Winston - assuming it's a male dog. I think that's a good dog name (despite the fact that it's also a brand of cigarettes).

Well, I should get some rest. I have to be up early tomorrow.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome to life in Northeast Ohio

So I've crossed the pond and landed back in Cleveland, Ohio. My Peace Corps aspirations have taken a backseat to life, and I've decided not to go. I recieved my invitation to volunteer as a New Business Development Agricultural Advisor in Burkina Faso the day after I returned state-side. I must say that everyone who initally expected me to be off to Africa come September are now pleased to hear I'm sticking around. I should be honest and say that I'm pleased too. It was a great idea, but I think perhaps just not meant to be.

So now I am looking for a job. Looking for a car. Looking for an apartment. It seems I'm looking for a life, and it's here somewhere in NE Ohio. I've also gotten so used to blogging, that I felt I should continue with a new one in order to chronicle my life back home. Europe was amazing, but isn't life no matter where we are? So why not write about it I say. And that is what I plan on doing here.

If I sent you a link, or somehow you've accidentally found this blog I do hope you enjoy reading it. I'm going to make a conscious effort to update as regularly as possible, and share the goings on - be they adventurous or just rigamarole - of my life.

I have lots of things I want to do. I'm in better shape than I ever have been, and plan to continue that trend. I've got 30lbs. or so to lose before I am at my desired weight, and am going to be following a better exercise regiment to build muscle and keep the fat off for good.

Also I'd like to get involved in some other activities, and as soon as I have aforementioned job plan on finding some classes - yoga, cooking, dancing. If anyone is interested in joining me in these meanderings please let me know. Especially the dancing - I'm thinking ballroom.

Hopefully as things go on this blog can be filled with personal stories, recipes, pictures, and the like. Reader, please enjoy my ramblings. And bonus points to anyone that can identify the source of the blog's title.

Read on & be well.
